Ms Woo Big Day -- MMU Convocation 31 July 2010
It was my 2 best friends' convocation last week. I went as a volunteer photographer for one of them. The weather was so hot, i was nearly pengsan. Luckily coca-cola saved me, keke! Lagi my photograph skill not so good, it was like a hard task for me, but i am enjoy in it.
This is my friend aka my "dai lou" --- Ms Woo
This is another graduates, Mr Liew~
Although i do really dot feel like admit he is my friend as he like weird uncle taking a yellow banana at his convo day....
Me with little Sinchan!
Shue mei
I like this piece so much, it looks like those University ads. I took this! It was from me! hehe~
Yeah, of course our Mr Sinchan graduate on the same day!
I saw this on the day, i was thinking if someone will make this for me on my future convo.